Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Singing in the Rain

Before anyone gives me accolades for allowing my children to play carefree in the rain....let me confess. After a long day of work, Alvin and I planned a family trip to the store. There were sunny skies during the commute home. We asked the kids to buckle up in the car. When Alvin walked outside, he found them dancing in the rain! He asked me to grab my camera, because he knows I looove to capture moments like this. After the Kodak moment we loaded the car and took our wet, smelly kids to Kroger!

Do you see the excitement on their faces?! I wish I could bottle it up and save it for the "rainy days" of adulthood. I would open my bottle when there are too many bills in the mailbox, traffic delays during the morning commute, or use it when a two year old girl is having a temper tantrum on aisle 4 in Kroger.....